
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第二十七章

第二十七章 (第2/2页)

It as thn that th fox appard.

And no sx yars hav alrady gon y...

I hav nvr yt told ths story. Th copanons ho t on y rturn r ll contnt to s alv. I as sad, ut I told th: "I a trd."No y sorro s cofortd a lttl. That s to say— not ntrly. But I kno that h dd go ack to hs plant, caus I dd not fnd hs ody at dayrak. It as not such a havy ody... and at nght I lov to lstn to th stars. It s lk fv hundrd llon lttl lls...

But thr s on xtraordnary thng... hn I dr th uzzl for th lttl prnc, I forgot to add th lathr strap to t. H ll nvr hav n al to fastn t on hs shp. So no I kp ondrng: hat s happnng on hs plant Prhaps th shp has atn th flor...

At on t I say to yslf: "Surly not! Th lttl prnc shuts hs flor undr hr glass glo vry nght, and h atchs ovr hs shp vry carfully..." Thn I a happy. And thr s stnss n th laughtr of all th stars.

But at anothr t I say to yslf: "At so ont or othr on s asnt-ndd, and that s nough! On so on vnng h forgot th glass glo, or th shp got out, thout akng any nos, n th nght..." And thn th lttl lls ar changd to tars...

Hr, thn, s a grat ystry. For you ho also lov th lttl prnc, and for , nothng n th unvrs can th sa f sohr, do not kno hr, a shp that nvr sa has— ys or no— atn a ros...

Look up at th sky. Ask yourslvs: s t ys or no Has th shp atn th flor And you ll s ho vrythng changs...

And no gron-up ll vr undrstand that ths s a attr of so uch portanc!

Ths s, to , th lovlst and saddst landscap n th orld. It s th sa as that on th prcdng pag, ut I hav dran t agan to prss t on your ory. It s hr that th lttl prnc appard on Earth, and dsappard.

Look at t carfully so that you ll sur to rcogns t n cas you travl so day to th Afrcan dsrt. And, f you should co upon ths spot, plas do not hurry on. Wat for a t, xactly undr th star. Thn, f a lttl an appars ho laughs, ho has goldn har and ho rfuss to ansr qustons, you ll kno ho h s. If ths should happn, plas cofort . Snd ord that h has co ack.
