
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第二十五章

第二十五章 (第2/2页)












Chaptr 25

"Mn," sad th lttl prnc, "st out on thr ay n xprss trans, ut thy do not kno hat thy ar lookng for. Thn thy rush aout, and gt xctd, and turn round and round..."And h addd:

"It s not orth th troul..."Th ll that had co to as not lk th lls of th Sahara. Th lls of th Sahara ar r hols dug n th sand. Ths on as lk a ll n a vllag. But thr as no vllag hr, and I thought I ust drang...

"It s strang," I sad to th lttl prnc. "Evrythng s rady for us: th pully, th uckt, th rop..."H laughd, touchd th rop, and st th pully to orkng. And th pully oand, lk an old athrvan hch th nd has long snc forgottn.

"Do you har" sad th lttl prnc. "W hav aknd th ll, and t s sngng..."I dd not ant h to tr hslf th th rop.

"Lav t to ," I sad. "It s too havy for you."I hostd th uckt sloly to th dg of th ll and st t thr— happy, trd as I as, ovr y achvnt. Th song of th pully as stll n y ars, and I could s th sunlght shr n th stll trlng atr.

"I a thrsty for ths atr," sad th lttl prnc. "Gv so of t to drnk..."And I undrstood hat h had n lookng for.

I rasd th uckt to hs lps. H drank, hs ys closd. It as as st as so spcal fstval trat. Ths atr as ndd a dffrnt thng fro ordnary nourshnt. Its stnss as orn of th alk undr th stars, th song of th pully, th ffort of y ars. It as good for th hart, lk a prsnt. Whn I as a lttl oy, th lghts of th Chrstas tr, th usc of th Mdnght Mass, th tndrnss of slng facs, usd to ak up, so, th radanc of th gfts I rcvd.

"Th n hr you lv," sad th lttl prnc, "ras fv thousand ross n th sa gardn— and thy do not fnd n t hat thy ar lookng for.""Thy do not fnd t," I rpld.

"And yt hat thy ar lookng for could found n on sngl ros, or n a lttl atr.""Ys, that s tru," I sad.

And th lttl prnc addd:

"But th ys ar lnd. On ust look th th hart..."I had drunk th atr. I rathd asly. At sunrs th sand s th color of hony. And that hony color as akng happy, too. What rought , thn, ths sns of grf "You ust kp your pros," sad th lttl prnc, softly, as h sat don sd onc or.

"What pros"

"You kno— a uzzl for y shp... I a rsponsl for ths flor..."I took y rough drafts of drangs out of y pockt. Th lttl prnc lookd th ovr, and laughd as h sad:"Your aoas— thy look a lttl lk caags.""Oh!"

I had n so proud of y aoas!

"Your fox— hs ars look a lttl lk horns; and thy ar too long."And h laughd agan.

"You ar not far, lttl prnc," I sad. "I don’t kno ho to dra anythng xcpt oa constrctors fro th outsd and oa constrctors fro th nsd.""Oh, that ll all rght," h sad, "chldrn undrstand."So thn I ad a pncl sktch of a uzzl. And as I gav t to h y hart as torn.

"You hav plans that I do not kno aout," I sad.

But h dd not ansr . H sad to , nstad:"You kno— y dscnt to th arth... Toorro ll ts annvrsary."Thn, aftr a slnc, h nt on:"I ca don vry nar hr."And h flushd.

And onc agan, thout undrstandng hy, I had a qur sns of sorro.

On quston, hovr, occurrd to :"Thn t as not y chanc that on th ornng hn I frst t you— a k ago— you r strollng along lk that, all alon, a thousand ls fro any nhatd rgon You r on th your ack to th plac hr you landd"Th lttl prnc flushd agan.

And I addd, th so hstancy:"Prhaps t as caus of th annvrsary"Th lttl prnc flushd onc or. H nvr ansrd qustons— ut hn on flushs dos that not an "Ys""Ah," I sad to h, "I a a lttl frghtnd—"But h ntrruptd .

"No you ust ork. You ust rturn to your ngn. I ll atng for you hr. Co ack toorro vnng..."But I as not rassurd. I rrd th fox. On runs th rsk of png a lttl, f on lts hslf tad...
