
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第二十二章

第二十二章 (第2/2页)



Chaptr 22

"Good ornng," sad th lttl prnc.

"Good ornng," sad th ralay stchan.

"What do you do hr" th lttl prnc askd.

"I sort out travlrs, n undls of a thousand," sad th stchan. "I snd off th trans that carry th; no to th rght, no to th lft."And a rllantly lghtd xprss tran shook th stchan's can as t rushd y th a roar lk thundr.

"Thy ar n a grat hurry," sad th lttl prnc. "What ar thy lookng for""Not vn th locootv ngnr knos that," sad th stchan.

And a scond rllantly lghtd xprss thundrd y, n th oppost drcton.

"Ar thy cong ack alrady" dandd th lttl prnc.

"Ths ar not th sa ons," sad th stchan. "It s an xchang.""Wr thy not satsfd hr thy r" askd th lttl prnc.

"No on s vr satsfd hr h s," sad th stchan.

And thy hard th roarng thundr of a thrd rllantly lghtd xprss.

"Ar thy pursung th frst travlrs" dandd th lttl prnc.

"Thy ar pursung nothng at all," sad th stchan. "Thy ar aslp n thr, or f thy ar not aslp thy ar yanng. Only th chldrn ar flattnng thr noss aganst th ndopans.""Only th chldrn kno hat thy ar lookng for," sad th lttl prnc. "Thy ast thr t ovr a rag doll and t cos vry portant to th; and f anyody taks t aay fro th, thy cry...""Thy ar lucky," th stchan sad.
