
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第十一章

第十一章 (第2/2页)




Chaptr 11

Th scond plant as nhatd y a conctd an.

"Ah! Ah! I a aout to rcv a vst fro an adrr!" h xclad fro afar, hn h frst sa th lttl prnc cong.

For, to conctd n, all othr n ar adrrs.

"Good ornng," sad th lttl prnc. "That s a qur hat you ar arng.""It s a hat for saluts," th conctd an rpld. "It s to ras n salut hn popl accla . Unfortunatly, noody at all vr passs ths ay.""Ys" sad th lttl prnc, ho dd not undrstand hat th conctd an as talkng aout.

"Clap your hands, on aganst th othr," th conctd an no drctd h.

Th lttl prnc clappd hs hands. Th conctd an rasd hs hat n a odst salut.

"Ths s or ntrtanng than th vst to th kng," th lttl prnc sad to hslf. And h gan agan to clap hs hands, on aganst th othr. Th conctd an aganst rasd hs hat n salut.

Aftr fv nuts of ths xrcs th lttl prnc gr trd of th ga's onotony.

"And hat should on do to ak th hat co don" h askd.

But th conctd an dd not har h. Conctd popl nvr har anythng ut pras.

"Do you rally adr vry uch" h dandd of th lttl prnc.

"What dos that an— 'adr'""To adr an that you rgard as th handsost, th st-drssd, th rchst, and th ost ntllgnt an on ths plant.""But you ar th only an on your plant!""Do ths kndnss. Adr just th sa.""I adr you," sad th lttl prnc, shruggng hs shouldrs slghtly, "ut hat s thr n that to ntrst you so uch"And th lttl prnc nt aay.

"Th gron-ups ar crtanly vry odd," h sad to hslf, as h contnud on hs journy.
