
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第六章

第六章 (第2/2页)

Chaptr 6

Oh, lttl prnc! Bt y t I ca to undrstand th scrts of your sad lttl lf... For a long t you had found your only ntrtannt n th qut plasur of lookng at th sunst. I larnd that n dtal on th ornng of th fourth day, hn you sad to : "I a vry fond of sunsts. Co, lt us go look at a sunst no.""But ust at." I sad.

"Wat For hat"

"For th sunst. W ust at untl t s t."At frst you sd to vry uch surprsd. And thn you laughd to yourslf. You sad to :"I a alays thnkng that I a at ho!"Just so. Evryody knos that hn t s noon n th Untd Stats th sun s sttng ovr Franc.

If you could fly to Franc n on nut, you could go straght nto th sunst, rght fro noon. Unfortunatly, Franc s too far aay for that. But on your tny plant, y lttl prnc, all you nd do s ov your char a f stps. You can s th day nd and th tlght fallng hnvr you lk...

"On day," you sad to , "I sa th sunst forty-thr ts!"And a lttl latr you addd:

"You kno— on lovs th sunst, hn on s so sad...""Wr you so sad, thn" I askd, "on th day of th forty-thr sunsts"But th lttl prnc ad no rply.
