
关灯 护眼
小说全集网 > 小王子 > 第三章

第三章 (第2/2页)






Chaptr 3

It took a long t to larn hr h ca fro. Th lttl prnc, ho askd so any qustons, nvr sd to har th ons I askd h. It as fro ords droppd y chanc that, lttl y lttl, vrythng as rvald to .

Th frst t h sa y arplan, for nstanc (I shall not dra y arplan; that ould uch too coplcatd for ), h askd : "What s that ojct""That s not an ojct. It fls. It s an arplan. It s y arplan." And I as proud to hav h larn that I could fly.

H crd out, thn: "What! You droppd don fro th sky""Ys," I ansrd, odstly.

"Oh! That s funny!"

And th lttl prnc rok nto a lovly pal of laughtr, hch rrtatd vry uch. I lk y sfortuns to takn srously.

Thn h addd: "So you, too, co fro th sky! Whch s your plant"At that ont I caught a gla of lght n th pntral ystry of hs prsnc; and I dandd, aruptly: "Do you co fro anothr plant"But h dd not rply. H tossd hs had gntly, thout takng hs ys fro y plan: "It s tru that on that you can’t hav co fro vry far aay..."And h sank nto a rvr, hch lastd a long t. Thn, takng y shp out of hs pockt, h urd hslf n th contplaton of hs trasur.

You can agn ho y curosty as arousd y ths half-confdnc aout th "othr plants." I ad a grat ffort, thrfor, to fnd out or on ths sujct.

“My lttl an, hr do you co fro What s ths ‘hr I lv,’ of hch you spak Whr do you ant to tak your shp”

Aftr a rflctv slnc h ansrd: "Th thng that s so good aout th ox you hav gvn s that at nght h can us t as hs hous.""That s so. And f you ar good I ll gv you a strng, too, so that you can t h durng th day, and a post to t h to."But th lttl prnc sd shockd y ths offr: "T h! What a qur da!"“But f you don’t t h,” I sad, “h ll andr off sohr, and gt lost.”

My frnd rok nto anothr pal of laughtr: "But hr do you thnk h ould go""Anyhr. Straght ahad of h."Thn th lttl prnc sad, arnstly: "That dosn’t attr. Whr I lv, vrythng s so sall!"And, th prhaps a hnt of sadnss, h addd: "Straght ahad of h, noody can go vry far..."
